Q & A about my Reviews

How do you review products from companies that provide you with the product?

   When a company contacts me to review their product. I inspect the product, I take note of shipping and how it was packaged, and how fast it got to me after asking me to review the product. Was it damaged at all? I take note of the communication and customer service from the company. Once I have tried the product. I will first let the company know before providing them a review if it was under 4 stars for me at all. 4 stars usually means I love the product, but I think something could be improved. And I will make note of that in my blog if a slight improvement needs to be made, but over all the product was awesome. If its under 4 stars and there was something wrong with it, or if its was a beauty product or supplement that did not set well with me. I will let the company know why and what is wrong and why my blog will be reflecting the criticism about the product, with yet a still respectful tone. But letting them know why I am letting my viewers know my honest opinion. I first will give them a chance to correct the problem, because that is only fair. If the product is broken or malfunctioning some how. But some product flaws just can't be fixed. All products that you see here are my honest and unbiased opinion and follows FTC guidelines.

Do you only post reviews here or do you post any other content?

   This Blog is completely review based, and no other content is provided here. You will find products of all walks of life and price ranges as well. I review anything from Electronics, Household items, Beauty and Skin products, Books, Food, Kids items, and more. I am not biased on what I am willing to try and review for a company, and let my viewers know what I think. Because here on The Lopez Chronicles Reviews, I want to be completely honest with my viewers.

Why do you do product reviews?

    I love trying new things, and I love telling other people what I think about the products I like and love. It is a great way for me to network with others, and it is a great way for companies to get advertisement for cheap.

How long does it take you to do a review?

   That will depend on the product and what is required. If its a normal house old product, clothing, decor. Your review will go live within a week. If its a beauty product such as skin care, lotions, serums, essential oils or supplement you have to understand it takes time to give you an honest and unbiased review. Reactions skin or internal can be delayed. And typically for a lot of products it takes more then two weeks to get honest and true results. So if you want a good review from me for that shows how it truly works then you have to expect that it takes longer. If the product is something that does not give results like skincare or health supplements those roll out a lot faster. So it comes down to what the product is.

Do you charge for your reviews?
   This depends on a lot of things. What the product is and its value. And how much time I have to spend on it. What the company is expecting. Do they just want a Blog. Or are they asking for more social media exposure such as my personal Facebook page, Facebook fan page, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The more time it takes to do a review the more likely I will charge for the review. There is a lot of factors that goes into if I charge or not. But if your expecting a slew of social media exposure from me, then most likely you will be asked to pay a review fee.

What do you normally charge for a review if you do charge? 

   Again that comes down to all those factors. A range could be anywhere up to a $100.00 depending on how much exposure you want from me. That is a pretty wide range from 0 to a $100.00. The only way to find out is to ask me and let me know how much exposure you want on your product.


  1. I love the way you just put it all out there. Point blank.

    1. Thank you so much. I had some questions asked why there is no negative reviews, why I run it this way, etc. I figured a Q & A is the best way to let others know in advanced.
