Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Homeschooling 2016/2017 Curriculum Plans

Homeschooling 2016/2017 Curriculum Plans

My plans for this year

   So I thought I would start blogging again. And what better way to start off blogging again with talking about what I will be doing for this coming up school year. We plan on starting our homeschooling first day on August 9th. And while we don't have to follow any school district calendar. I like to follow my mother in laws because she works for a school district and she likes taking the kids on her vacation times. So this works best for us. So August 9th it is. 

   I was really racking my brain on what I wanted to do this year for my daughter. She is in 8th grade this year. WOW, time really flies by fast. She expressed she wanted to do something online. But everything I found was either too boring, had time constraints, or seems too young and not advanced enough. So we decided to stick to similar plans from the last 4 years and add in time4learning to supplement. So this will be the online portion and just really a supplement to what she will be doing. And frankly, I am not sure how much she will do on time4learning. And I may end up just canceling the subscription if I feel like it is not being used enough this coming year. 

So here is what we will be doing for 8th Grade. 

Language Arts: Easy Grammar, Word Roots by The Critical Thinking Co, Editor in Cheif by The Critical Thinking Co, Spelling on time4learning, Reading from our collection of classical literature, etc.

Bible: I will be focusing on bible literature from our collection on jw.org this will overlap into other subjects. But I like to keep it separate from my secular learning. 

Teaching Text Books Math 7 and Pre-Algebra. We will be revisiting some Math 7 per my daughter request before we dive into Pre-Algebra this year.

History: We will be going over all aspects of world history as well as American History using Graphic Novels by Saddleback Educational Publishing. Books from Candlewick Press, National Geographic books, etc. As well as watching Netflix documentaries. At the end of each documentary or book, a report/essay will be done to make sure the information has been grasped.

Science: I will be using Moving Beyond The page study units. I love this program because it focuses on learning using literature with hands-on science experiments. We will also be using science kits, and many different Mechanical Science manipulatives. And exploring on Student Interests Lead within this subject.

Art: While I have yet to find an Art program I want to use. Again this will be Student Interests Lead using all avenues of learning about Artists and mediums. From Painting, Crafts, Photography, etc. Each week may be different depending on the project we end up choosing for the week.

Music: While Last year our focus was on Guitar this year will be on Piano. We will utilize our Sony Keyboard and utilize Pianonanny.com

PE: PE will compromise of going to our local rec center and utilizing the indoor track as well as the swimming pool. And using our personal at-home gym equipment. Using our Wii fit. And once it cools down doing nature walks and hikes.

Life Skills: We will be focusing on chores and learning to deep clean. Taking on new chores. Learning about different cleaning products and safety when using them. As well as creating cleaning products that are less toxic and natural. We will also be focusing again this year on cooking class.

   For my son, things are a little bit different. I have a Paraprofessional at home for him and she helps create his schedule and fun activities. He is taught using the Montessori method and he has very little workbook work. But here are some things that we have used that works for him. He is 6th grade special needs. 

Language Arts: All About Reading, All About Spelling. I love these programs because they have a similar Montessori approach to them. We also have a writing and reading center for him and a sight word board. We use a lot of different games and manipulatives silly word games and letters to build words, etc. Lots of hands on stuff. We get a lot of our ideas from Pinterest.

Bible: Same as my daughter but on his level. I have different things I will be doing based on his learning level.

Math: Math has been tricky for us. He does not do well with worksheets at all. We use math games a lot and he forms math problems using Montessori manipulatives. We use homemade Montessori beads and utilize base 10 manipulatives. We use counting bears and tokens. We utilize the touch math manipulatives that came with the program. This year I am going to check out Life of  Fred and maybe start writing down math problems on a paper. Maybe only a few math problems at a time. Work our way up to a worksheet. But right now we are still using the boogie board or white board to write down problems and erase and using the manipulatives to come up with the answers. 

History: Due to my son's special needs we don't focus on history much. We focus on community awareness, social skills, etc.

Science: We have a science program called quirkles where it not only incorporates Language Arts but is hands on science experiments fun. We also utilize Pinterest for lots of experiment ideas. This is a Student Interest Lead area for my son as well. We don't use a set curriculum. 

Art: While I have yet to find an Art program I want to use. Again this will be Student Interests Lead using all avenues of learning about Artists and mediums. From Painting, Crafts, Photography, etc. Each week may be different depending on the project we end up choosing for the week.

Music: I will be trying to implement a Music Therapy style for my son. Making up songs to help him express his feelings and help stay on topic. His old Music Therapist retired and we are waiting on a new therapist. I know how much he misses it. So I will be coming up with fun ways to use music to help with his feelings, anxiety, and social skills.

PE: PE will compromise of going to our local rec center and utilizing the indoor track as well as the swimming pool. And using our personal at-home gym equipment. Using our Wii fit. And once it cools down doing nature walks and hikes.

Life Skills: We will be focusing on chores and learning to deep clean. Taking on new chores. Learning about different cleaning products and safety when using them. As well as creating cleaning products that are less toxic and natural. We will also be focusing again this year on cooking class. 

   So this is our plan for the school year. Of course during the school year, things are always changed and tweaked to meet the needs of my kids. Nothing is ever concrete. And that is the beauty of homeschooling. If you have any questions on any of the curriculum please let me know. I will most likely be writing reviews on the curriculum I have used and still use giving my opinion on the curriculums.

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