Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Putting that spark back into my home

Clutter Clutter Clutter
Do NOT judge me

If it doesn't bring you joy, get rid of it
Time to spark some joy!!!!!

   I am forever drowning in clutter. For such a big home. And when I say a big home we have a 7 bedroom, 4 bath home. But like I was saying. For such a big home, we don't have a lot of storage space. So I forever feel like I am drowning in stuff and clutter. It makes me depressed. It makes me not want to do anything. It makes me not care anymore. And that makes me sad. Because the joy that I should have to be in my happy and pretty somewhat organized clean home is not there. I feel like I am constantly battling the clutter. Always trying to find a place for things. And somehow when I find a place for it, it somehow manages its way back out of that place I found for it. 

   I came across a segment on the Today's show on Marie Kondo. Marie is a  Japanese cleaning consultant that has written a very popular book called THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP. It has become all the rage and very popular on youtube. Now, I have yet to buy the book. But I plan on doing so. But the concept is to get rid of everything that does not bring you joy. Walk into the room you plan on working on. Put everything in that room right in front of you. Start going through it one by one. Does it spark joy? Yes? Then keep it. If it does not bring you joy anymore then its time to part with it. Now I don't know the ins and outs of her process. Without the book, I am sure I am missing a lot. But that right there is such a simple concept to at least start with. I also plan on implementing the method if I have not used it in a year it's gone even if I think it brings me joy. And from there I will determine with what is left, what really brings me TRUE joy. 

   I think using these simple methods even before getting the book to see what other awesome tips she has to offer will at least give me a good start on tackling that picture you first saw. I plan on going room by room and doing this. From there I will be either donating, selling or trashing the items that just do not give me joy. Maybe my items can give someone else that joy that it once gave me. It's time to take my life back. It's time to take my rooms back. It's time to not be depressed over clutter and just shutting down. It's time to get that spark back. It's time to get my joy back!!

   Over the course of me doing this project, I will be blogging and taking pictures of my progress. Showing my piles of items, I will be getting rid of as well as pictures of the finished organized areas. Before pictures may be hard for me. I think hard because it will be a reality check of how bad it really is. And some people may say it's not that bad. But for me it is. I will be starting with the master bedroom. Because that is where it is needed the most. So stay tuned for some awesome progress pictures. All those clothes you saw above. The next picture will show a pile of stuff I am getting rid of. And my organized perfect closet. 

Check out this segment from the Today's Show


  1. I have been doing this for a while now. When we cleaned out my Mom's place I ended up with a bunch of stuff I have no idea what to do with! I had to really look at it and decide if it helped or not. Got rid of a lot!!

  2. Always a good idea! I just moved into a new home and have to purge a lot to get everything looking nice. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  3. That's a great idea! Now I am interested in buying this book lol. I too have a problem with clutter. Being a blogger that reviews, it's almost a guarantee that at some point, you will drown in clutter. I have been doing some Spring cleaning myself and I have (literal) tubs of stuff that I am either going to donate or sell at a yard sale. One good rule of thumb is to get rid of doubles. For example, if you have two blenders, get rid of one. Why do you need two blenders? lol. I am going to take your advice and work through the clutter that "doesn't bring me joy". Thanks for sharing! I look forward to seeing your progress.

  4. Well I could use help from this book. lol I and hubby are just worst at clutter, we both blame each other for all the clutter in the house. I have hard time convincing hubby to throw away or donate stuff he no longer likes or would use. But he seems to have sentimental attachment to things that are like 5 yrs old lol. I am still trying to get him sell his first bike and get new one, he bought it with his first salary so i know it will long hard battle.

  5. Yay for you! I am so glad to join in on this with you! Very inspiring.
