Weekend Update
5/25/2015 to 5/31/2015
Hello, everyone!!!!
And welcome to another
Weekend update
So Monday early morning. And when I am talking early morning I am talking around midnight. I got this brilliant idea I was going to deep clean the kitchen. I don't know about anyone else. But I get a lot of my cleaning done when the family is asleep. Mario did help me some in the kitchen and did keep me company at least. I also seem to work better when I have his support. I am not sure why. I get the most done when the kids are sleeping, but I also seem to need my husband. I know I am crazy.

So I manage to NOT burn the house down thank goodness. Tip if you're going to use a self-clean oven clean it first before you clean it. You know like when you have to clean your dishes first before you let the dishwasher clean them. Same concept. It's clear with appliances that clean manually. You have to clean before you clean so it cleans. You know so it makes your life easier. Did you pick up on that hint of sarcasm at all?
So after the unit cooled down some after I canceled the cleaning I pulled out the stove and just unplugged the thing. I was not taking any chances with this one. My husband was dead tired and headed to bed. But I was still having a lot of anxiety over this thing. So I think I dozed off on the sofa around 4AM Monday morning. Checked on it and everything was good and went to bed.
So I woke up around 8AM. Yes, this means I got 4 hours sleep. Because I am crazy I guess. My dad came home. He was gone all weekend. So he did not get to experience me almost burning down the house. But he decided it was perfect opportunity to clean back behind the stove and just really clean the unit and de-grease it. So the morning was spent doing just that. I worked on my lists for breakfast, lunches, and dinners. And an ongoing grocery list. I will be doing a separate lifestyle blog about this.
Ben's PT had to cancel as she was not feeling well. Prayers are needed for her, please. I will not go into detail. But she is very ill. And we love her very much. Ms. Tara came over around 10AM to work with Ben. Lunch time rolled around quicker than I realized. Got lunch out of the way and my body slowly started to shut down. To top it all off the kids, bathroom toilet is leaking water. So we were fighting that as well. Thought we had it fixed. But before the kids went to bed realized nope not fixed. I put a towel by the link and my dad will have to work on it again Tuesday.
I fell asleep on the sofa once again and Tara was getting ready to leave. 3PM came up on me fast. By the time she left I needed a nap. So while Mario and my dad watched the kids I took a nap. Woke up in time to fix dinner. Made spaghetti with meatballs with some corn and french bread. Lana made Banana wafer pudding with my dad's help. Cleaned up or mess after dinner.
I fell asleep on the sofa once again and Tara was getting ready to leave. 3PM came up on me fast. By the time she left I needed a nap. So while Mario and my dad watched the kids I took a nap. Woke up in time to fix dinner. Made spaghetti with meatballs with some corn and french bread. Lana made Banana wafer pudding with my dad's help. Cleaned up or mess after dinner.
After I got the kids settled down for bed I worked on last weeks weekend update because I was late rolling it out. I decided that I will be saving a draft and just updating it daily through the week. That way Sunday night I can just press publish. So guess what I am doing right now? Yes, this is going to be way more detailed because I am living in the moment typing the day out. How exciting is that? And what time is it? Oh, It's already Tuesday morning 4AM. So should I start blogging for the day? Nope, it's time for bed. The Review video I just edited can wait. I have a few blogs I need to finish up and some Ideas I want to work on. But this lady needs sleep.
Tuesday was pretty interesting. I was surviving on about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I was not a happy camper. I need to learn to stop doing this. And just go to sleep when the kids do. I read a blog about going to sleep the same time your kids do. Or around the same time. Get up earlier and you will be a much happier person. I am going to try this concept. I don't know why I think I must try to get everything done at night and then I don't sleep. And then I am stuck trying to wake up in the morning and feel like a zombie every time.
It felt good to finally have the kitchen looking the way I wanted it to as well. It actually gives you a very satisfying feeling and it makes you want to cook awesome meals. I don't know about you. But when I am in a dirty kitchen or a kitchen that only ever gets half clean. I rather not cook and we just end up eating out. And let me tell you. That is not good for you at all.
I want to actually make a separate blog on how I am dealing with the kitchen and how this concept has been working. And it actually has been working. It really is all about training your family and disciplining ourselves to do it. Teamwork is needed in a family of six.
It was nice cooking a home cooked meal in a nice neat kitchen and then after we were done leaving it in the same condition. Imagine that. I cooked a good meal as well. Baked Lemon Chicken, home made mashed potatoes, corn and leftover spaghetti for those who did not want the chicken. Let me tell you those mashed potatoes were amazing. I will always used a potato ricer when making them. ALWAY.
As you can see other then just keeping up on what I accomplished yesterday and cooking dinner, not a whole lot went on. Ben started getting sick at this point. His Para took him to the park and had to bring him home. His lips started turning blue. Yup, he was coming down with what I suffered with for three weeks.
Wednesday was pretty much another recovery day for me. I did do some organizing in my room. Ben was trying to hide how sick he was. But it was not working. He did not want to miss meeting so he thought he could slide it by me. But that did not work. So I had to stay home from meeting with him. To make sure his meds were given to him. Lana was able to attend. Other than this. It was a very slow day.
Thursday was a crazy day. Still dealing with Ben being sick. It slipped my mind it was Ben's appointment with his Play Therapist. She called me. She was like I thought it was odd you missed. You never miss. I tell you with it heating up Multiple Sclerosis has been kicking my butt big time. I also found out she was moving on. I will miss her. She was amazing. But she found her dream job and I can't blame her. But she truly was the best Play Therapist there was. Seriously she knew how to work with Autistic children and get them to open up to her through play. So while we are sad we wish her the best.
I was proud of myself because I made another home cooked meal. Without complaining as well. I always complain when I do not enjoy it. But now that I got our new routine down. The only person I need to train on it now is my mom. But she is still in Oregon. But she will get her training. Evil laugh just slipped through my lips.
Ben did have his Speech Therapy as planned. But I seem to never forget those. And because they are at the house it is harder NOT to forget. I did manage to record and get up Coffee Date Thursday for the week as well on my youtube. I am actually pretty proud of that. I need to blog and put that in the Coffee Date thursday category for everyone.
Friday Ben's Parapro had the day off. So it was just the hubby, kids and I. We spent the day organizing some more. We still have a long way to go. But seriously we have gotten a lot done. I am very proud of the way things are looking. I continued to make Ben take it easy. I canceled his Occupational Therapy because at this point he just was not having it at all. So I gave him a little break from OT Friday so he could rest more.
Other than just cleaning and more cleaning. This was kind of a boring day as well. The normal networking and blogging as well.
At this point I think I am boring you with this last weeks weekend update. Just more cleaning. More organzing. More getting rid of things I did not need. Ben got paid early so this helped us out a lot. The last two weeks were really hard as we were strapped for money. So it was a blessing to see that come in early. We did treat the kids to pizza so I could continue working on organizing. I feel like that is all I been doing. Working on my blooging, cleaning, cooking, therapies, homeschooling, and organizing. The madness may never stop. But I am trully blessed with a great family as well.
Lana went out in service. I stayed home with Ben. While Mario can take care of him. He is not used to giving him his meds. I am always in fear they will be given to him wrong. He needs to learn to do it. But just never has. I know he can. He is just afraid. I don't blame him it can be scary to take on making sure the right meds are givin at the right time.
Sunday Ben was still sick. I did not get grocery shopping done like I wanted. It was just impossible. I can't drive. My dad was out of town so he could not watch Ben while Mario and I went to the store. So grocery shopping did not happen. I could not make the meeting as I had to stay with Ben again. But Lana was able to make it with my friend Nancy. I am very thankful I have amazing friends to take Lana when I can not be there. It means a lot to me.
So this week has been full of sickness and just cleaning. It was a boring week. But Thank you for reading. Maybe it entertained you some how LOL. I promise this next week will be a little more exciting and I have some fun blogs planned and hopefully more organiational successes to share with you.
till next week xoxoxox
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