Friday, October 16, 2015

Affordable Alternative Montessori Material

   ** Disclaimer: Affiliate link**

   I started recently implementing a lot of Montessori activities and ideas into my son's homeschooling routine. Our school room is center based and he can move around the room. I love most of the Montessori activities and materials out there available. However, my issue is that they are all very expensive. And getting your hands on cheap used materials is hard as well. So either I am doing DIY projects or I am looking for affordable alternative materials to use.

   So I was very excited when one of my good friends on Facebook told me to check this product out. It is a wooden numbers and counting rod math manipulative. This set is pretty awesome. And a major keyword "Affordable". When I first bought it, it was only $4.99. Now the price has gone up. I am sure due to the fact they are selling these right and left. So currently the set is $6.50. And I have seen it fluctuate down a bit as well going on sale under 6 dollars. But still $6.50 is extremely affordable. And if you have prime that means you get free 2-day shipping. I use Amazon so often it has been worth having and paying for a prime account each year.

   You can head over here and buy yours. I also made a youtube video using this with my son. I will include that video below in this blog. The company has not asked me to review this product at all. It was just a great find. And I wanted to share it with my homeschooling friends.

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